tirsdag 6. april 2010

Keramikk Fantastikk!

I Wallpaper, april 2010, kan du over fire sider lese at "now ceramics are dynamic, as the new hot potters have the art world in a spin".

Det handler om "the rise of conceptual ceramics".

Ekstra oppmerksomhet får den danske keramikeren Anders Ruhwald (36) som sier at "...there are many ways to go as an artist working with ceramics". Videre Rebecca Catterall (34) fra England som sier "...I need to be much more entrepreneurial, ambitious and creative when identifying appropriate audiences". James Rigler (31) sier "I think we`re overdue a renaissance of bespoke, sculptural ceramics in new-build projects".
Les hele artikkelen i Wallpaper aprilutgaven.